Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Brexit, equal marriage and the general election.

Could the 2017 Brexit referendum and same-sex marriage help the Conservative Party to win the 2015 general election?

 I can't help feeling that the EU in-out referendum promised by the Conservatives for 2017 could potentially be a significant factor that sways the general election in the Conservatives' favour. The wish to leave the EU is something that tends to be automatically associated with Ukip voters and a large number of Conservative voters, but there is also (perhaps surprisingly) considerable support (apparently over 30%) among those who tend to vote Labour and Lib Dem for leaving the EU Quite a number of people seem to have a tendency to generally vote in a certain way without having a particular loyalty to a political party, so if a particular policy has an overwhelming appeal to them, many will be prepared to switch in quite a radical way. Many people who vote do not have a great deal of interest in politics, let alone in making great compromises to support a party that champions a cause with which they strongly disagree; and my hunch is that there are more people who dislike our membership of the EU than we realise.
As the Prime Minister currently seems keen for the UK to remain a member of the EU, it is always possible that the Conservatives will soft-pedal the 2017 EU referendum in their general election campaign. Though recent indications that he seems more willing to threaten the EU with the prospect of our exit, should satisfactory reforms be denied, might well cause the soft-pedalling to stop. I would not be at all surprised if the Brexit turned into an issue that would galvanise the majority of the electorate.
The other factor that could significantly influence the probability of a Conservative victory in 2015 is, in my view, the Prime Minister's success, and indeed that of his colleagues, in modernising the Conservative Party and making it into an institution that champions inclusivity, diversity and social liberalism. Far too many people - many of them probably nonetheless natural conservatives - would still not vote Conservative today because they associate the Conservative Party with the appalling homophobic views and actions that characterised it in the 1980s and previously. The Prime Minister might currently feel minded to keep the tremendous commitment he demonstrated in legalising same-sex marriage low key during the election campaign, for fear of opening old wounds and alienating the social conservatives who opposed the measure but may have recovered enough to still vote Conservative in 2015. However, unapologetically celebrating and publicising the Conservatives' role in legalising same-sex marriage would send a very strong signal to sceptics in the electorate about how much the Conservative Party has changed for the better, and how appropriate it is these days for social liberals to vote Conservative. After all, the vast majority of the electorate either support same-sex marriage, or are indifferent to it. There is much more to gain than to lose by being unabashed about the Conservative Party's new progressive and inclusive identity, and its willingness to fight hard for social justice and equality.
© Gary Powell, 2014 
The above is a comment posted under the Times opinion piece by Daniel Finkelstein, 'And the winner of the next election is . . .' (27 August 2014).

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Pink News

Pink News articles by Gary Powell

Here is a link to the list of published articles I have written for Pink News:

Hamas and the IRA

The flawed comparison between Hamas and the IRA.

One of the arguments advanced by those who challenge the legitimacy of Israel's "Operation Protective Edge" against Hamas in Gaza involves a comparison between the bombing of highly-populated areas in Gaza in order to kill Hamas militants and destroy Hamas ordnance, and the approach the British Government took towards defeating the terrorist Irish Republican Army.

The point is correctly made that, if the British Government had tried to neutralise the IRA by bombing highly-populated areas where IRA terrorists and ordnance were located, resulting in hundreds of civilian deaths, there would have been a public outcry.

Yet this comparison between how the IRA was defeated and how Hamas must be defeated does not stand up to examination. 

The IRA was at no time committed to the unconditional global genocide of British people and to the unconditional annihilation of Britain. It was also not a foreign government that had been elected by the people of a foreign enemy administration. The IRA was not firing thousands of missiles onto British cities, hiding their missiles under houses, churches and schools, and encouraging civilians to remain in these locations to act as human shields. Bombing civilian areas where IRA militants lived and where their arms were stored would have meant bombing our own country in the case of Northern Ireland, and bombing a close ally in the case of Eire. Furthermore, once it was established where the IRA militants and ordnance were, our police force and army, or those of the Irish Republic in the case of Eire, were perfectly capable of turning up on doorsteps and dealing with them.

Comparing Hamas to the IRA in an attempt to undermine the justification for Israel's military action in Gaza does not stand up to scrutiny. It is yet another attempt to undermine Israel's right to defend its citizens against rocket and mortar attacks from a genocidal fascist power that has no regard for human life, whether that human life be Israeli or Palestinian.

© Gary Powell, 2014 

Switching the poles.

What if today's Israel were Muslim and today's Gaza Jewish?

"Confirmation bias" happens where a belief that carries a strong emotional investment is preserved because the person who holds it does not bother to seek out, or honestly consider, any evidence that might challenge it. The belief in question feels emotionally compelling, and one's own sense of ego might even be invested in it, so that any challenge to it might feel like a challenge to one's own identity and good judgment. Counter-evidence thus becomes something dangerous and potentially painful: something to be guarded against.  
One antidote to confirmation bias that is sometimes successful is the consideration of an analogy that is similar enough to the matter at issue to be relevant to its analysis, but where the element that is triggering the confirmation bias is replaced by something different. This can be effective enough to get people unstuck and to begin the process of cognitive restructuring. 
Confirmation bias has ensnared reporting on, and interpretation of, the current Israeli military action against fascist Hamas in Gaza. Whether the emotional charge that supports this confirmation bias is attributable to prejudice against Israel or prejudice against Jewish people in general, would depend on the individual who harbours the bias. Israel is being called upon to stop its military action against Hamas in Gaza, which is very tragically leading to the deaths of hundreds of Gazan citizens alongside the Hamas militants and the destruction of the Hamas ordnance that the Israel Defence Force is targeting: deaths that are being encouraged by Hamas deploying the strategy of human shields, and strongly encouraging Gazans to stay put when they have been forewarned by Israel that their neighbourhood would be targeted in a forthcoming strike. 
If Israel were to allow the Gazan policy of using human shields to be successful, it would have to continue to suffer Hamas missile attacks against its citizens with impunity, at least 10% of which penetrate the Iron Dome. And this, for as long as Hamas decide to continue with them. The Israeli people have clearly had enough of being terrorised with Hamas missiles, given that 90% of their population, which includes the bulk of their left wing, support the current Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza. There is no reason to believe that 90% of our own population would not feel the same if we were in similar circumstances. How many anti-Israel commentators would honestly and seriously expect the UK to exercise similar long-suffering restraint in the face of missile attacks by a genocidal fascist enemy government against our citizens? Would we be voting for politicians who failed to protect us from that? Would we have been able to fight against Hitler on that basis? 
Imagining the reversal of cultural religious polarity in the Israel/ Hamas conflict might be instructive in exposing the current confirmation bias against Israel. Imagine that Israel was a Muslim state and that Gaza was densely populated by Jews. Imagine that Jewish Gaza had elected an extremist religious administration whose charter called for the genocide of all Muslims worldwide and the annihilation of Islamic Israel. Imagine that this Jewish Gazan administration was firing thousands of missiles into Islamic Israel with the purpose of killing Islamic Israeli citizens, and refused to desist from doing so, even though it was the key to stopping the Islamic Israeli military action; that the Jewish Gazan administration was concealing weapons in or under synagogues, schools and hospitals, and launching them from densely-populated areas; that they were forcing Gazans to stay where they were to act as human shields after receiving warnings from Islamic Israel that their neighbourhood would be targeted. Imagine the Jewish Gazan administration was using international aid to build tunnels into Islamic Israel in order to kill citizens and kidnap soldiers: tunnels that had claimed the lives of many Gazan children building them and that civilians were not allowed to use as shelters. 
Where would international sympathies lie then? Would any Islamic state, surrounded by countries that wanted its complete annihilation, be expected to suffer missile attacks in perpetuity and with impunity from a neighbouring genocidal regime? Would the western media be as indifferent to the antecedent causes of the bloodshed - the firing of missiles to kill random civilians by genocidal religious extremists, and their refusal to desist - when the pictures on our TV screens were of Jewish human shield casualties caused by the weapons of an Islamic state trying to stop terrorist missile and tunnel attacks? Or are evaluation and reporting being influenced by the cultural religious background of the parties in this conflict?  
It is, of course, the intentions and actions of the conflicting parties involved that are of relevance here, and not whether they identify themselves as culturally "Jewish" or culturally "Muslim". Any state has a duty to stop a neighbouring genocidal regime trying to kill its citizens with missiles, and other terrorist activities. Tragically, there can be no just wars against genocidal oppressors without civilian casualties, as Britain itself experienced in World War Two. A state defending itself against a genocidal aggressor does not merit being singled out for condemnation in the international community simply because it identifies as Jewish. 
© Gary Powell, 2014 

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Jon Snow: don't believe everything you think.

Jon Snow's basic error in commenting on Israel's Iron Dome: confirmation bias, emotional reasoning, and the seduction of affectively-charged thinking. 

Jon Snow, the accomplished British journalist and presenter of Channel 4 News, seems to me to be a very compassionate human being with the highest standards of integrity. He has a sharp intellect and a capacity for asking perspicacious questions of those he interviews, applying his analytical mind in an objective way to complicated situations, and persisting in his attempt to extract honest answers from interviewees who throw up a fog of subterfuge. To his credit, he was most assiduous when he attempted to interview Hamas's foreign affairs spokesman, Osama Hamdan, on 30 July, asking him why Hamas militants do not desist from their missile attacks on Israel, which would then lead to Israel's military action in Gaza being terminated. Jon Snow may not have been able to penetrate the fog of ranting and mendacious subterfuge from Hamdan - the Joseph Goebbels of fascist Hamas, whose Charter is committed to the complete annihilation of Israel and the global genocide of all Jewish people - but at least he did try.

Yet Mr Snow begins this interview with Hamdan by saying:

"Osama Hamdan, Israel has demonstrated that it is prepared to go on killing Gaza's women and children, civilians generally: why are you encouraging them by still continuing to fire your ineffective rockets into their territory?"

There are two serious and fundamental flaws with Mr Snow's opening question, however. The first is the choice to use the punchy, emotive expression "Israel killing Gaza's women and children" without suitable qualification. The Israel Defence Force is doing all it can to avoid civilian casualties, even using texts and telephone calls to Gazans to advise them to leave their neighbourhoods before IDF military strikes on buildings where Hamas militants are believed to have concealed military ordnance take place. The problem is that, not only are fascist Hamas deliberately hiding such ordnance in civilian buildings and highly-populated areas, and firing it from such areas, it is also encouraging civilians to remain in their buildings, and even to take their children onto the rooftops, to act as human shields. After all, civilian deaths are something regarded as a double-positive by these Islamist religious extremists: not only do Hamas claim Gazans who die in the conflict will have immediate access through the portals of paradise as "martyrs"; but also, civilian deaths in Gazan human shields are Hamas's key weapon in the propaganda war that gullible and tunnel-visioned members of the international community are allowing fascist Hamas to win. Although the claim Mr Snow makes in his question is accurate - Israel is killing Gaza's women and children - it nonetheless excludes sufficient information to make the question one that is not misleading. It has an emotional charge of bias. It is by no means a perfect analogy, but in some respects it is similar to saying a heart surgeon is killing his patients - men, women, and children - without mentioning that these are patients who only have a chance of survival if they undergo an operation that has a significant chance of causing their deaths. The deaths of Gazan civilians are unintended and unwanted by the IDF, in the same way that the deaths of his heart patients are unintended and unwanted by the surgeon. Both are a tragic by-product of aiming for a positive, valued outcome that is very different from the deaths that come about as a result of pursuing that value.

It is selective use of facts to produce utterances that, although not strictly untrue, convey information in a way that reflects bias in the person uttering them, and are likely to effect bias in the people hearing them who are not in possession of the full facts.  

The other flaw with Mr Snow's opening question lies in his reference to the Hamas rockets being fired into Israel as "ineffective". On the previous day to this interview with Hamdan, after he had returned from Gaza, Mr Snow claimed on Channel 4 News that Israel's defensive anti-missile shield, the "Iron Dome", was keeping "absolutely everything out".  

If you slide the cursor to 1:53 in the above video, you will hear Mr Snow say, 

"Now, of course, Hamas, for its part, was throwing rockets into Israel designed ideally - as they would put it - to kill Israelis. But of course, Israel, courtesy of American finance, has invented the most brilliant shield, which is keeping absolutely everything everything out. And that's a big difference." (My emphasis)

Given that at least 10% of Gazan rockets manage to penetrate the Iron Dome, and that the Iron Dome is ineffective against Hamas mortar attacks, this was a serious factual error on Mr Snow's part. Apart from the Israeli deaths and injuries caused by such rocket and mortar attacks, the psychological impact on the civilian population of continually having to respond to air raids, knowing there was a 10% chance that any rocket was going to explode on Israeli territory, and not knowing where, is traumatic. This is quintessential terrorism: the population being terrorised by an ongoing threat to their lives from an extremist organisation. People are unable to go about their daily lives in peace. If this was happening to UK citizens at the hands of a genocidal, fascist neighbouring government, we would surely expect our government to destroy the enemy's capacity for launching those rockets, too: even if that enemy was using human shields and a significant number of civilians would die as a result.

Journalists make mistakes, of course. Yet apparently not knowing that mortar fire and 10% of Hamas rockets were penetrating the Iron Dome and killing, injuring and terrorising Israeli men, women and children trying to go about their peaceful lives, was surely a very serious error for any journalist reporting on Gaza, and especially so for a journalist of Jon Snow's seniority, experience and calibre. The fact that Hamas rockets and mortar shells are penetrating the Iron Dome and landing in Israel is the very raison d'ĂȘtre for the current Israeli military action in Gaza. How this fact could have escaped Mr Snow's attention is astonishing. 

I do not believe for a single moment that Jon Snow knew that Hamas mortar shells and rockets were still hitting Israel but chose to lie on national television and claim they were not. He is a person of great integrity. He clearly did not know the full facts: even a fact as basic as this one. This is highly instructive, as it is a glaring example of confirmation bias: selective attention in the researching and gathering (in this case) or presentation of information where one's opinion about a subject is already made up, and where there is an emotional investment in an interpretation that would be disturbed by the proper effort to diligently research and consider information that contradicts one's opinions. The consensus in the western "liberal" media is that Israel is almost entirely at fault, and that everything must be interpreted and presented from that perspective, with disapproval from one's similar "liberal" social and professional circle if one dares to stray from the accepted anti-Israel Weltanschauung. It is not at all clear to me how Jon Snow could have been ignorant about Hamas weapons hitting Israel unless he had not taken the trouble to carry out the most basic research into Israel's explanation for its current military action. 

This seems to me to be an example of what is happening more generally in the West with regard to the interpretation of Israel's highly vulnerable position in the Middle East in particular, and to Israel's military action in Gaza in particular. If even an accomplished journalist such as Jon Snow can fall into such an easily-avoidable snare of confirmation bias
with regard to Israel and Gaza, so can large swathes of our populations. Most people are not really interested in finding out the causes of the conflict between Israel and Gaza and in researching the region's complex history, and they simply react to images of Gazan civilians being killed, imbibing the interpretation offered to them on a plate by the Western "liberal" media that Israeli action in Gaza is wrong: an interpretation that is forged and confirmed when journalists are so strongly invested in an interpretation, that devoting time and effort to researching and considering evidence that might undermine their interpretation and put them at odds with the consensus interpretation they are rewarded for buying into, is neglected, as it feels too aversive and seems too unlikely to yield salient information.

I once saw a T-shirt on sale at a psychology conference with the slogan, "Don't believe everything you think." This is surely wise counsel: especially when our thoughts are associated with a powerful emotional charge and are reinforced by a feeling of belonging to a community of people who approve of those who value and believe such thoughts. It can sometimes be a pleasurable thing to discover our thoughts are inaccurate; but sometimes, it can be very painful, and expressing dissent from a common "liberal" consensus can result in more pain still when social disapproval kicks in. The best investigative journalists will be alert to the pitfalls of confirmation bias and sacrificing objectivity and impartiality on the altar of consensus conformity and emotional reasoning. When a particular pitfall is so treacherous as to claim journalists of Jon Snow's calibre, integrity and compassion, we can understand how so many millions of unsuspecting good people get unwittingly sucked into it. Most significantly, it is not only an interpretation that does a great injustice to Israel. It is an interpretation that rewards fascist states when they choose to use civilians as human shields, which positively encourages the immoral practice of human shield deployment in warfare.

© Gary Powell, 2014 

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Resignation of Baroness Warsi

Would Baroness Warsi resign over an Islamic Israel and a Jewish Gaza?

Baroness Warsi explained her resignation from the UK Government yesterday, on 5 August 2014, by saying that she found the Government's policy regarding the Israeli military action in Gaza to be "morally indefensible". One must wonder what Baroness Warsi would expect to change in the situation in order for it to become "morally defensible". Presumably she would like Israel to stop the military action in Gaza that, although the Israelis are doing all they can to avoid civilian deaths, is still leading to the injuries and deaths of Gazan non-combatants, largely due to fascist Hamas using Gazans as human shields and forcing them to stay where they are when they receive forewarning from Israel of a possible attack in their neighbourhood to kill Hamas militia and destroy Hamas military hardware. 

If Israel were to allow the Gazan policy of using human shields to be successful, it would have to continue to suffer Hamas missile attacks against its citizens with impunity, at least 10% of which penetrate the Iron Dome. And this, for as long as Hamas decide to continue with them. The Israeli people have clearly had enough of being terrorised with Hamas missiles, given that 90% of their population, which includes the bulk of their left wing, support the current Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza. There is no reason to believe that 90% of our own population would not feel the same if we were in similar circumstances. Would Baroness Warsi seriously expect the UK to exercise similar long-suffering restraint in the face of missile attacks by a genocidal fascist enemy government against our citizens? Would we be voting for politicians who failed to protect us from that? Would we have been able to fight against Hitler on that basis?

Imagining the reversal of cultural religious polarity in the Israel/ Hamas conflict might be instructive. Imagine that Israel was a Muslim state and that Gaza was densely populated by Jews. Imagine that Jewish Gaza had elected an extremist religious administration whose charter called for the genocide of all Muslims worldwide and the annihilation of Islamic Israel. Imagine that this Jewish Gazan administration was firing thousands of missiles into Islamic Israel with the purpose of killing Islamic Israeli citizens, and refused to desist from doing so, even though it was the key to stopping the Islamic Israeli military action; that the Jewish Gazan administration was concealing weapons in synagogues, schools and hospitals, and launching them from densely-populated areas; that they were forcing Gazans to stay where they were to act as human shields after receiving warnings from Islamic Israel that their neighbourhood would be targeted. Imagine the Jewish Gazan administration was using international aid to build tunnels into Islamic Israel in order to kill citizens and kidnap soldiers: tunnels that had claimed the lives of many Gazan children building them and that civilians were not allowed to use as shelters.

Where would international sympathies lie then? Would any Islamic state, surrounded by countries that wanted its complete annihilation, be expected to suffer missile attacks in perpetuity from a neighbouring genocidal regime with impunity? If Baroness Warsi would also have seen fit to resign in such a scenario, where the pictures on our TV screens were of Jewish human shield casualties caused by the weapons of an Islamic state trying to stop terrorist missile and tunnel attacks, then her decision to resign from the Government, although still misguided in my view, would not have discriminated on the basis of religious cultural background. It is, of course, the intentions and actions of the conflicting parties involved that are of relevance here, and not whether they identify themselves as culturally "Jewish" or culturally "Muslim". Any state has a duty to stop a neighbouring genocidal regime trying to kill its citizens with missiles and other terrorist activities. Tragically, there are no just wars against genocidal oppressors without civilian casualties, as Britain itself experienced in World War Two. A state defending itself against a genocidal aggressor does not merit being singled out for condemnation in the international community simply because it identifies as Jewish. 

Monday, 4 August 2014

Encouraging fascists to use human shields.

Condemning Israel positively encourages the future use of human shields by fascists.

It is a tenet of behavioural psychology that reinforcing a behaviour with rewards tends to condition an organism to repeat that behaviour. That applies to humans as well as to lab rats. If a rat gets given a food pellet whenever it nudges a particular lever, it will nudge that lever with increasing frequency in future. If a child is given a generous payment whenever he mows the lawn, he will make efforts to mow the lawn more frequently in future. Conversely, punishing a behaviour with a negative stimulus tends to lead to that behaviour becoming less frequent. Giving a lab rat an electric shock (btw I hate laboratory maltreatment of animals) when it nudges a certain lever will lead to it avoiding that lever in future. Grounding a child for swearing at his parents will generally discourage a child from swearing at his parents in future.

Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning informs the approach adopted by many governments towards kidnap and blackmail. If you pay the ransom, you have provided positive reinforcement for the behaviour of kidnapping for ransom. A reward has ensued from behaviour “X”, and so behaviour “X” becomes more likely to be repeated. So although freeing the kidnap victim may be inspired by compassion and the greatest of humanitarian motives, it will increase the likelihood that more kidnappings will take place in the future: not only by the kidnappers themselves, but also by those who have observed kidnapping to be a successful undertaking. Not paying a ransom that then leads to the murder of an innocent individual is an evil. But paying the ransom to liberate that individual might encourage several kidnappings to take place in the future that otherwise would not have happened. The more people who are kidnapped, the greater the likelihood that victims are going to be murdered, either because the ransom was not paid or could not be paid, or because some kidnappers will kill some hostages regardless of whether or not they are paid the ransom. The money paid to kidnappers is also often used to finance further criminal and murderous activities. Paying that ransom might well also directly lead to the deaths of several individuals who are not victims of kidnapping.

So although paying kidnappers a ransom to release a hostage might feel like the right thing to do at the time, it simply encourages the behaviour of kidnapping, and makes it all the more likely that hostages will be taken in the future, with more and more victims being killed, and more and more money going into the coffers of terrorists, criminals and murderers. Not paying a ransom in order not to encourage and facilitate the greater suffering of more people in the future may therefore be the lesser of two evils. It is a fact of human psychology that immediate pain tends to feel more significant than imagined future pain, and accords to itself a premium of importance it does not really deserve. The suffering of the additional people who are killed as a result of kidnapping and terrorism that results from our paying the ransom to release one individual, feels too abstract in comparison to our present-moment grief and horror at the kidnapping of one countryman whose face we see on our TV screens. We have an emotional bias that overrides normal logical thinking.

The current global condemnation of Israel for targeting fascist, genocidal Hamas militants and their military hardware because they are deliberately concealed amongst civilians being used as human shields, also needs to be analysed through the lens of logic rather than of passion. In the civilised West, our values are such that our governments would never consider using our own citizens as human shields in any military conflict. Of course, an Islamofascist administration such as Hamas would not baulk at killing our citizens, (they have been firing missiles to deliberately kill Israeli citizens for years). But the fundamental reason why the West would consider the use of civilians as human shields to be a war crime is because it has established certain rules in an attempt to limit and circumscribe the horrors of war. (Having said that, western anti-Israel “progressives” seem to be strangely muted about Hamas’s war crime in using human shields, or else they choose to deny it is happening. Their hatred of Israel has created a shared tunnel vision, any challenge to which represents a serious breach of the pseudo-liberal orthodoxy, and therefore behaviour discouraged by punishment, again according to Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning.)

My impression is that many selective progressives hate Israel with such a vengeance that they would blame Israel for any action it took in defending its citizens against attacks by a hostile neighbouring administration and hostile militants against its civilians. The thousands of missiles fired into Israel at civilians by Hamas, 10% of which evade the Iron Dome; the attacks via tunnels paid for from international aid, that even take place during so-called ceasefires; the strapping of explosives to men, women and children – including people with learning disabilities – to kill Israeli citizens in suicide bombings. All of this is glossed over, and somehow “Israel’s fault”, with some commentators, who should know better, saying that they themselves would probably fire those rockets or wear those suicide vests if they had been Palestinian. Such selective progressives make no similar comment about Hamas having caused the military action in Gaza by refusing to stop firing missiles to kill Israeli citizens, and of Hamas committing a war crime by deliberately using the people of Gaza as human shields, and encouraging them to climb onto the rooftops of buildings instead of evacuating them as advised by the Israeli authorities before the buildings are shelled. Hamas is a fascist terrorist organisation whose Charter is committed to the genocide of all Jewish people and to the annihilation of Israel. Yet the exposure of Hamas’s appalling ideology in the media and particularly on the Left, and proper criticism of Hamas’s responsibility for causing this current military action in Gaza  and ensuring its continuation, seem to be too much for the orthodoxy of the selective, pseudo-liberal media and the Left to accommodate.

In the charged anti-Israel climate that Leftist propagandists and international pro-Islamist, anti-semitic propagandists have managed to create, where Israel is damned whatever it does, and whatever is done to it – the greatest victim has been logic and rational thinking. Condemning a state for defending itself against missile attacks from a hostile power just because that hostile power is using human shields, is so similar to paying ransoms to kidnappers. The current message given to Hamas by the international anti-Israeli community – and we must remember that Hamas claim any citizen killed in an Israeli attack is a “martyr” and will have immediate access to paradise – is that Hamas’s current strategy of using human shields is one that must be allowed to succeed, and that can be used in the future with impunity against any western power. This is a very strong weapon to gift to any fascist, genocidal Islamist state. It is a weapon they now know can be used with great success against any civilised western power in the Islamist jihad for the establishment of a global caliphate. Western pseudo-progressives condemning a just military action because of the deaths of civilians as a result of Islamists deliberately using them as human shields, simply encourages the exploitation of civilians by Islamists as human shields. The result of this will be more civilians dying as a result of human shield exploitation in the future, just as paying blackmail ransoms encourages more kidnappings in the future.

It is appalling that innocent civilians are being killed by bombs. People being killed by bombs is always an evil. But it is a greater evil to allow a genocidal fascist outfit to continue killing another state’s innocent civilians with impunity, to consolidate its own power over its oppressed citizens, and to succeed in its cruel fundamentalist religious objectives – especially when the reason for allowing that genocidal outfit to continue killing with impunity is to avoid the deaths of the citizens it is exploiting as human shields. The reason for this is that, when we rule out military action against an enemy simply because it is using human shields, then we encourage the use of human shields. Encouraging the use of human shields will either lead to the deaths of even more civilians in the future, or else it will mean that, whenever a civilised nation with progressive values suffers a military attack from a fascist Islamist state, the missiles will only ever be able to come in one direction. This is appeasement and surrender, not defence.

It is very important to remember that some situations only allow options that are intrinsically evil, but where one of the options is clearly less evil than the others. What many on the Left are doing at the moment, as well as many Islamist sympathisers and appeasers, is to airbrush out of discussion and out of consciousness the greater evil of encouraging the use of human shields as a successful strategy in any Islamist military conflict against civilised, democratic, liberal countries, whose values Islamists hate. This is a strategy for the defeat of western civilisation, and for the possible eventual imposition of a global Islamofascist caliphate in the context of a post-nuclear Iran that currently seems frighteningly possible. Whilst Islamofascist governments such as Iran are developing nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles to reach western cities, we are declaring to enemy states our paralysis at the thought of taking any military action that could result in large numbers of their civilian casualties. Any nuclear power that presents such weakness to an aggressive, hostile religiofascist state with nuclear weapons that longs for our subjugation or annihilation, is asking for very serious trouble: just as a refusal to countenance the tragic killing of large numbers of civilians in Nazi Germany would have led to the defeat of the Allies and the triumph of National Socialism.

© Gary Powell, 2014