Monday, 28 October 2013

Chile: yet another violent homophobic attack. Young man in coma.

Below is my translation of an article that appeared in the German online LGBT magazine "" on 28.10.13. (The original article in German, with links to related articles in German, can be read here.)

No improvement in his condition.

Chile: young gay man in a coma after a homophobic attack.

Wladimir Sepúlveda was kicked unconscious

A blatant hate crime rocks the country - while it already anxiously awaits the verdict in another homophobic hate-crime case. 
Once again a hate crime makes the headlines in Chile: on Sunday 20th October a 21-year-old was so badly beaten up in San Francisco de Mostazal that he has since been in a coma. His prognosis is not optimistic.

Wladimir Sepúlveda was walking arm-in-arm with three friends through the town centre after visiting the beach, when a group of four men and two women asked him if he had a cigarette lighter. Then the group started to deliver insults, saying, "We will massacre you queers."

Following a brief scuffle, Wladimir initially managed to flee, but was caught up by the attackers and punched to the ground. Then he was repeatedly kicked in the head. By the time his friends reached him, he was already unconscious.

Shortcomings of the emergency services.

Despite an urgent call to the emergency services, it took an ambulance thirty minutes to arrive, and even then it had only one attendant. His friends had to put Wladimir, who was seriously injured, onto a stretcher. At the Accident and Emergency Department, a doctor diagnosed only minor injuries. It was only when he was taken to another hospital that he received immediate treatment.

Chile's Minister for Health has in the meantime visited the young man in hospital and has promised that there would be an investigation into these events. As the injuries were initially diagnosed as minor, the attackers were not arrested immediately: this did not happen until four days later.

The young man's condition has not improved since his admission to hospital. The Minister for Health has announced that, because of his serious head injuries and bleeding in the brain, it is not expected that he will improve. The LGBT organisation Movilh, which represents Wladimir's family, has criticised the police and the health service.

Verdict awaited in the Zamudio case.

This attack is a reminder of another violent attack, which has outraged Chile in the same way as did the murder of Matthew Shepard in the USA. At the beginning of March 2012, 24-year-old Daniel Zamudio was so badly tortured by neo-Nazis that he had to be put into an artifical coma. At the end of the month he succumbed to his injuries.

Der brutale Mord an Daniel Zamudio hatte Chile im letzten Jahr schockiert
Chile was shocked last year by the brutal murder of Daniel Zamudio.

The murder of Zamudio, whose torments included having a Swastika carved into his chest, led to an outpouring of sympathy among the population. This also happened in the political domain: in summer 2012 an anti-discrimination law was passed that had been on ice for a long time. This law introduces harsher punishments for hate crimes.

But this law was too late for the trial of the four men accused of Zamudio's murder. On 17th October, a court found them guilty of first-degree murder. The sentence is being announced this coming Monday; the state prosecution service is demanding life imprisonment for one of the convicted men, and jail sentences of between eight and fifteen years for the other three.

Translated by Gary Powell. Published with permission from