Monday, 26 May 2014

UKIP's MEP David Coburn

What Scotland's new Ukip MEP thinks of the LGBT rights movement. 

“Equal rights lobby are not interested in equitable solutions,” Mr David Coburn told me via Twitter on 31 May last year, before calling me a "bigot" and saying I have "got it in" for people of faith because I supported the legalisation of equal marriage.

But Mr Coburn isn't any old Ukip reactionary. He is himself openly gay, and wrote to attack equal marriage in a Pink News piece of 2012

So here we are: campaigners for LGBT equality are degraded to the "equal rights lobby" in Mr Coburn's mind. But not only that. Apparently we are "not interested in equitable solutions."

This is the mentality of Scotland's new Ukip MEP. A gay man who, with glib generalisations worthy of Melanie Phillips, denigrates the movement that has provided him with the freedom and equality he is able to enjoy as a gay man today.

The link to the Twitter thread where Mr Coburn makes his comments is here. (I have a screenshot, in case this comment should ever disappear.)

I had posted on Twitter as I'd wanted to know how Ukip could claim they were protecting the rights of people of faith by opposing the introduction of equal marriage. After all, no-one was going to force churches etc. to marry LGBT couples; and if the European Court of Human Rights were going to impose SSM on churches, mosques, etc., it would surely already have done so in those EU states where SSM had already existed for some time. Furthermore, if the ECHR were likely to use equalities legislation to do this, I was wondering why Ukip was not warning of the risk women priests would be imposed on all churches, too.

Here are Mr Coburn's noteworthy comments from my Twitter exchange with him, which you will see in the thread linked to above:

Coburn: “Equal rights lobby are not interested in equitable solutions”

Coburn: “Equal rights political expression cant be trnaslated [sic] into religion”

Powell: "'Equal rights lobby are not interested in equitable solutions.' Disgraceful you dismiss civil rights movement like this"

Coburn: “If you take rights from one group and hand them to another that is not equitable -it is also not tolerant”

Powell: “Campaigners for LGBT rights have achieved much to be proud of, in the face of reactionaries & opportunistic colluders.”

Coburn: “Yes and Gay marriage is a step too far”

Powell: “The only "right" of religionists that equal marriage is denying is their
perceived right to discriminate.UKIP is a sell-out”

Coburn: “You have obviously got it in for People of Faith - so you must be the bigot”

Coburn: “If you truly believed in equal rights you'd make sure they are for all - inc people of Faith”

Powell (in response to Coburn saying SSM was "a step too far": “It wasn't in Canada or Netherlands or the many states/ countries that have introduced it & it
isn't for our elected MPs.”

Coburn: “ok getting bored-you're ranting and raving now”

Powell: “When "People of Faith" try to undermine civil rights & impose religion on others, yes I will oppose them. UKIP opportunists”

I will leave it to the reader to decide whether I was "ranting and raving", or whether Mr Coburn found he was out of his depth with his flimsy Ukip platitudes, just as I will leave it to the reader to decide who, if either of us, was the bigot in this exchange.

In my own Pink News piece of 5 May 2014, I explained how Ukip had stitched up the UK LGBT community on equal marriage in order to poach socially conservative voters from the Conservative Party. Clearly a very important strategy for Ukip, and Mr Coburn now receives his reward for his loyal defence of this thoroughly cynical policy with its thoroughly indefensible justification.

© Gary Powell, 2014